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New School Public Consultation

Horizons Education Trust is delighted to be involved in the development of a brand new SEMH Special School in Wisbech.

A brand-new special school for pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs is planned as a much-needed replacement of our current facilities in Algores Way in Wisbech. This school facility, when constructed, will be known as Wisbech Green.

The Trust and I have worked closely with the design and project team to develop a building and landscape design that will help us deliver an exemplary level of service for many years to come, ensuring our pupils have access to facilities that will support their social, academic and vocational development to prepare them for an independent and fulfilling life when they leave us.

Since I became involved earlier this year, my colleagues and I have undertaken a thorough review of the previous school design proposals and working with the project team have evolved a design that ensures it closely aligns with the Trust’s values of quality, trust and respect, achievement beyond expectations and advocacy for equalities. The design builds upon the intent for Riverside Meadows Academy to prepare students for adulthood as shown on the attached documents which very much reflect these principles.

Though the design has been altered the principle key elements remain, in that it will serve 60 pupils along with associated staff and visiting professionals.

The project team and I recognise the importance and value of consulting with the local community, and we would welcome your views on the emerging proposals as part of the ongoing development of the scheme, ahead of submission of a formal planning application for Wisbech Green.


Comments can be made by emailing the following address:

The formal planning application will be submitted by the project team at the end of September.

Subject to a satisfactory planning process, construction work will commence around September 2022 with the Wisbech Green targeted for completion in Summer 2023.

Whilst the focus of this consultation is on Wisbech Green, further work has been undertaken on the Phase 1 provision of a 4FE (600 Pupil) Secondary school. In January 2021 it was announced that the Brooke Weston Trust had been successful in their bid to the Department for Education (DfE) to establish and run the school.  As a result, the County Council have withdrawn their existing proposals but are working with both the Trust and the DfE to further develop their new vision for new school. The views of the public on this proposal will be subject to a separate consultation process run by the DfE who will now be responsible for the procurement and delivery of the school. I would request that your comments relate specifically to this application for Wisbech Green.

The Trust are very excited about this project and the real benefits it can bring the pupils and their families for the Wisbech, Cambridgeshire area and look forward to receiving constructive feedback.


Dr Kim Taylor OBE

Executive Head Teacher, Horizons Education Trust